Why doesn't criticism allow us to grow.?

July 15, 2022

What is criticism?

We all go through this in our daily life, judged by different people every day. 

Sometimes it is good enough to motivate yourself but most of the time we hate it, mainly the negative criticism.

So, what exactly criticism is?

When we express disapproval to other people about their lifestyle, decision, their choices, or by telling them your opinion on some things, it might be positive or negative, we can call it criticism.

Criticism is negative and judgemental:


Criticism is negative and judgemental. It doesn't allow us to grow as individuals because it doesn't aim at our efforts, but rather the way we behave.

The most common type of criticism is the one that tells you what you're doing wrong or how you should be doing things differently.

This kind of criticism isn't helpful at all because it's too focused on your behavior instead of looking at what's good about yourself and improving upon those aspects instead of changing them entirely!

Criticism says that you're not good enough.

When someone criticizes you, it means that they think you're not good enough.

If someone says "you're too hard on yourself," then they are saying that your standards are too high and that this causes them to think less of you.

They may also be trying to help you lower your standard by telling them more about how much work needs doing before others would consider it good enough for them.

Criticism stops you from taking risks:

You will never know what you're capable of if you don't take risks.

You'll never learn if you don't try. And I'm not just talking about the obvious, like learning a new language or taking up an instrument for the first time in your life.

I'm also talking about things that seem trivial but have a huge impact on our lives: changing careers, moving across the country in search of new opportunities (or just a different lifestyle), starting a business from scratch—any decision that requires making changes in your life and being open to failure can be considered risky.

This isn’t always clear-cut though; sometimes it takes time before we realize how important taking risks is for us personally and professionally as well! But once we get there—once we start seeing the benefits on both sides of those decisions--there's no going back!

Criticism doesn't give advice on how to do better or get better.

Criticism doesn't give advice on how to do better or get better.

Criticism is not about telling someone else what they should do; instead, it's about asking them what they think they should do.

For example, I'm not sure if this is true. Can you tell me your thoughts? (instead of "I think that...")

Criticism brings people down, especially when they're giving their best effort.

Criticism is negative. It's judgemental and it says you're not good enough, so even though you may be trying your best to do something that makes sense for your career when people give criticism on how to improve their work and get better at what they do, it can shut down growth.

It stops taking risks because if someone criticizes your idea or project before giving any advice or help with how to make it better—or even just gives an opinion on whether the idea will work at all—then they're essentially saying that this person's idea won't work out in practice.

This puts pressure onto the person being criticized: either take risks and try again until something works (which means more time wasted) or just quit altogether without having learned anything from this experience at all!

Criticism is a form of bullying.

Criticism is a form of bullying. It's negative and judgemental, saying that you're not good enough or it doesn't like your work.

It stops us from taking risks and trying new things, as well as makes us feel bad about ourselves.

Criticism doesn't give advice on how to do better or get better; instead, it focuses on what's wrong with the person being criticized (e.g., "you're too loud!"). In fact, sometimes criticism can make people feel worse than they did before!

Let go of criticism, it's holding you back.

You have to let criticism go. It's holding you back, and it won't help you grow.

Criticism is not helpful because it doesn't solve any problems or make things better.

If I criticize you for doing something wrong, my criticism will not help improve your skills; if anything, it makes things worse because we're all human beings and we all do things wrong sometimes—and we shouldn't dwell on those mistakes!

Criticism is not constructive either: In order for our work to improve as writers (or artists), there must be a certain amount of self-criticism involved so that we can learn from our mistakes and improve our craft over time.

Without this kind of feedback loop happening between reader/listener/viewer/listeners etcetera… well then what would happen? Nothing!


Always remember that if someone is criticizing you, it's because they're unhappy with themselves. Do what makes you happy and love yourself, not others.

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By - Ritesh Kumar

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