Feminism ! Real Or Fake? Reality

September 03, 2020


 Define the flaws in people who claim themselves as feminists.


People misunderstand a lot of things; they have opinions regarding different things which may or may not matter to them. 

They like giving their opinions on different topics. Sometimes they are not even completely aware of somethings of which they are giving their opinion about. 


Feminism is one such topic on which a lot of debates happen but some people cannot even tell whether they are or they are not a feminist

These people then go on commenting on other people’s feminist aspects, they call them fake or real feminists not knowing themselves what it actually means.


In simple words, the fake is something that is not original or deceiving. Fake feminism hence means supporting the action(feminism) for not actual reasons. 

This means that fake feminism is an act of supporting feminism only to take benefit of it.

Fake feminism leads to obnoxious views about the person or group which started it. Fake feminism promotes pretentiousness in a society which may lead to drastic results.


People who use feminist aspects to support they are the cause is treacherous and should not be supported.

This also affects people who are true feminists and supports the feminist cause. It creates a threat to those people as non-believers of feminism start blaming them as well not knowing the difference. 

On the other hand, fake feminism sabotages the activities and processes of real feminists.

This is a very big issue as people get confused about who’s real and who’s not real. This creates a bad impression of people who support the true cause of feminism.

Fake feminists are able to create more and more havoc than the real feminists are able to support the real victims.


These are those people about whom we discussed above, those who will share their opinion and comment on people without knowing anything about the subject.

Innocent people suffer from this, they get harassed and abused for their beliefs and opinions. These fake feminists are not only creating chaos in society by bringing in cunning practices of treachery but they are also playing with the minds of the people. 

They are somehow changing the opinions and matters of the common people by igniting their propaganda.
It is a very shameful act on their side. They need to be restricted from these practices. 

We should stop them from spreading these false propagandas which affects the innocent public.


For the past couple of years, India has been a feminist nation where the majority of the people have been supporting feminism and we are not only talking about men but also women.

Nowadays, on social media also like Linkedin most of the people (male & female) use feminism to increase their audience & connections and grab other's focus towards them and this is not a good technique although these people are the pseudo-feminist.

This has given a chance to the fake predators of feminism to support their cause. It is very sad that there is no one who can actually differentiate between them. 

They remain unaffected as they remain unidentified.
This identification of the fake ones to the real ones has created an opportunity for the fake feminism supporters. 

We must be aware of them as we do not want them to change our opinions. 


It is very important for us to differentiate good and bad, fake, and real to create change in society.

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