Which programming language is best for getting job in 2020

July 31, 2020

These are some programming languages for software development, the future, and get a job easily in Technology.

A few months ago, When I was doing some research on the internet, I saw a topic of why you should learn so many programming languages even if you won’t know how to use them immediately, and I have to say that I agreed with that.

Actually, it's true every programming language is good for something different but not so easy to learn, definitely, it makes sense for Programmers and Developers to know more than one language so that you can choose the right tool for the job.

But as a student or beginner which programming languages should you learn? Nowadays, there are so many programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and Python.

It all depends upon what do you want? For example, if you are looking for a job at big Investment banks like Goldman Sachs then Java is the best programming language to learn followed by C++ and C#.

But, if you want to get a Job at big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft than Python and JavaScript is probably a better choice than Java.

This list of the top 5 programming languages.

According to the developer survey as well as my own experience, this should help give you some ideas, particularly if you are looking for a job in big investment banks like Goldman, JP Morgan, etc or on service sector companies like Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant, etc, which mainly work for these big financial organization.

It is good to learn more languages but don't try to learn too many programming languages at once as a beginner; choose one first, master it, and then move on to the next one.

1. JAVA:
Java is an object-oriented, high level, and secure programming language.

It is the most widely used language in big companies and if you are searching for a job as an SDE role in Big investment banks and you will find most of the job listing for either bank like Goldman or Product based companies like Google, Microsoft or Oracle and others require Java Skill.

Java is used everywhere, Website to Mobile App Development, and across different parts of the bank software, but mostly for creating server-side applications running on Linux.

If you are really serious about getting a job on these firms, Java is to be your first language to master.

2. C&C++:
C++ is another most loving language that is used on many Investment banks and other business firms.

It’s used widely use to creating low latency trading applications where performance is so critical.

Both C and C++ are known as the evergreen languages all the time, and many of you surely know them from school as your first programming language. But if you are doing some serious work in C++, It is guaranteed you that your academic experience will not be enough you need to do some more hard work in this language.

3. JavaScript:
Its True, JavaScript is the number one language of the web, Whether you believe it or not.

There are so many frameworks like jQuery, Angular, and React JS that have totally made JavaScript even more popular among all. 

Since if you want to do some web development work either it is front end or back end, javascript gonna play a very important part. Nowadays, you cannot just stay away from the web, it’s better to learn JavaScript sooner than later.

It’s also the number one front-end & back-end work language for client-side validation, which really does make it work learning JavaScript.

4. Python:
Python has now taken a lead over Java to become the most taught programming language in universities and also in schools.

It’s a very powerful language and great for everything. You will find a python for everything and anything you can think of from AI to Self-driving cars.

Nowadays, If you want to learn the latest and most lovable technologies like machine learning, Artificial Langauge, etc you should definitely know python as a primary language or backend language.

Whatever your engineering branch in colleges and universities python is really useful for you.

5. Kotlin:
Now let's talk about mobile application development.

If you are thinking seriously about Android App development, then Kotlin is the best programming language to learn as a beginner. 

It is definitely going to the next big thing in the Android App Development world.

Even though Java is still preferred language in mobile app development, But on the other side, Kotlin has got native support, and many IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are supporting Kotlin for Android development.

Follow Your Dreams:
Most of us want to be a part of big product-based companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or Facebook.

Want to work for these product-based companies might be your dream job.

So, Have you ever wondered?
What skills and quality help you come to your dream true?

Programming and knowledge of core subjects, if you become a passionate programmer and you want the perks, pay, and prestige of these companies and if you follow the right approach, learn from some good resources for your skills these companies are looking for you definitely going to get a job as a software engineer in these product-based companies and it becomes really easy for you.


So, According to the internet and my thoughts, These are some of the best programming languages to get a Software developer job on big Investment banks like Goldman, Morgan, or HSBC. 

Yes, I know you think why java and C++ but Java and C++ are the top 2 languages to get a developer job in these big financial giants.

Even if you learn just one programming language apart from the one you use on a daily basis as your backend language, you will be definitely in good shape for your career growth.
The most important thing right now is to make your list and set your goal and do your best to stick with it. 

Happy learning & Happy coding.


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